Journal "Giroskopiya i Navigatsiya"
Editor-in-Chief: Oleg A. Stepanov – Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of RAS (Russia)
Editorial board members:
Journal Giroskopiya i Navigatsiya (in Russian) ![]()
The journal is published by: The journal has been published since 1993 and distributed abroad since 1995 The editorial board of the journal includes outstanding Russian and foreign scientists. The editorial board is headed by the General Director of Concern CSRI Elektropribor, doctor of sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.G. Peshekhonov. The journal presents peer-reviewed articles by Russian and foreign scientists on the theory and application of gyroscopic systems and sensors, inertial, satellite and other navigation systems; new methods and algorithms of navigational data processing; proceedings of the Russian and international conferences; book reviews. The journal is published in Russian. Contents and abstracts are provided in Russian and English. Four issues per year are published. |
GUIDELINES For publication in Giroscopiya and Navigatsiya journal original articles of up to 10-12 pages, review and analysis articles of up to 15-20 pages and short communications of up to 5 pages are accepted. A paper should have a summary of up to 500 printed characters and key words. Only International System of Units (SI) should be used in the paper text. The list of references should be formed in order the references are used in the text. It is necessary to present the full list related to the subject under consideration and exclude self-quoting, if possible. The materials should be prepared on a computer in text editor Word for Windows using 11 point Times New Roman font, single spaced. Page parameters: margins (top, bottom, left & right - in cm) - 2.1, 5.2, 3.8, 3.8; page format - A4 ( 210х297 mm). Formulas should be typesetted using formula editor and 11 point Times New Roman and Symbol, use 9 points for subscripts and superscripts, italics for Latin letters, except for trigonometric and hyperbolic functions (sin, log, etc.) and such terms as min, max, opt, Roman type for Greek letters. Illustrative material black-and-white only should be given in the form of computer files, graphic illustrations and photographs - in formats *.jpg or *.tif. All the components in the illustrations should be clear, inscriptions should be easily readable. The prepared material should be sent to the editorial office by e-mail as an attachment or by post on electronic media with a printed copy enclosed. The file size of the material should not exceed 5 MB. The material should be accompanied by the following information for each author: family name, first name, patronymic (second name), degree, position, company, honorary title, as well as (for Russian authors only) passport data, pension insurance certificate number. Russain authors should obtain and attach to the article an expert report approving its public release and identification examination report. For contact with the author(s) postal address(es), phone and fax number(s), and E-mail address(es) should be provided. |
Journal Giroskopiya i Navigatsiya
Contact Information Editorial office address:(ISSN 0869-7035 - print) (ISSN 2075-0927 - online) ADDRESS AND CONTACT INFORMATION 30, Malaya Posadskaya St., St. Petersburg, 197046, Russia Dmitry O. Taranovsky Head of the Editorial Group Phone: +7 (812) 499 82 93 E-mail: |
Scientific and technical journal (ISSN 2075-0927 - Online, ISSN 0869-7035 - Print)
Editor-in-chief: academician of RAS V.G. Peshekhonov