20th Anniversary Conference of Young Scientists “Navigation and Motion Control”

The 20th Anniversary Conference of Young Scientists “Navigation and Motion Control” will be held at Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, St. Petersburg on 20-23 March, 2018.
The Conference includes overview lectures on theory and practice of modern navigation and control systems delivered by the leading scientists, as well as presentations by young scientists (up to 35 years old, max. one author can be over 35).
The Conference does not cover any issues related to the development of military technologies and weapons.
The Conference working language is Russian.
The Program and Organizing Committees invite international students and postgraduates to participate in the Conference, present their papers and take part in the discussions.
ONLINE participation is possible.
Participation in the Conference is free of charge.
1. Detailed abstracts of presented papers will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference of Young Scientists.The Proceedings will be registered in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
2. Based on the results of the detailed abstracts review and presentations made at the Conference, the Program Committee will select papers to be recommended for publication in full. Upon reviewing, full texts of the papers will be recommended for publication in the Gyroscopy and Navigation journal.
The authors of the full texts of papers may include some senior colleagues directly related to the publication (such as Research Supervisor and Consultant). The volume of the paper full text should be about 7 pages.
3. Full texts of papers and detailed abstracts to be published in the Conference Proceedings should be formatted in accordance with the approved requirements which will be uploaded to the Conference web-site.
The detailed abstract and full text of paper should be submitted to the CYS-2018 Organizing Committee via the Conference Management System CoMS-Elektropribor (http://comsep.ru).
Detailed abstracts and full texts of papers not meeting the requirements will not be published.
We look forward to welcoming you at the Conference!
30, Malaya Posadskya ul.,
St. Petersburg, 197046, Russia
e-mail: kmu@eprib.ru, kmu_elprib@mail.ru
Phone: (812) 499 82 10
Fax: (812) 232 33 76