19th Conference of Young Scientists “Navigation and Motion Control”
The Conference includes overview lectures on theory and practice of modern navigation and control systems delivered by the leading scientists as well as presentations by young scientists (up to and including 33 years of age, max. one author can be over 33).
The Conference does not cover the issues related to development of military technologies and weapons.
The Conference working language is Russian.
Since 2015 the Conference includes an English session Applied Problems of Navigation and Motion Control, where English is the working language.
The Program and Organizing Committees invite foreign students and postgraduate students to participate in the Conference, present the papers and take part in the discussions.
ONLINE participation is possible.
Participation in the Conference is free of charge.
15 February 2017 – abstract submission deadline3 March 2017 – filling in registration forms at the Conference website (for attending the Conference).
7 March 2017 – notification of acceptance.
14-17 March 2017 – presentation of papers at Concern CSRI Elektropribor .
September – November 2017 – reviewing the papers and preparing the papers for publication in the Proceedings.
Paper abstracts prepared in compliance with the requirements should be submitted online via the Conference Management System CoMS-Elektropribor at: http://comsep.ruIn order to take part in the conference, submit a paper abstract in English of 1000 printed characters.
The papers selected by the Organizing Committee after discussion in the Internet will be included in the Conference Proceedings. The Proceedings are indexed in Russian Science Citation Index database.1. Visit the site of the system «CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR»:
2. Please Register in the system if you did not submit your paper to the conferences held by Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC:
- Using the link «New user» go to page «New User»,
- Fill in the fields of the Registration Form offered to you,
- Get acquainted with the conditions of the End User License Agreement,
- Confirm, if so, that you have got acquainted with the End User License Agreement and accept its conditions,
- Press button «Register», to get your PIN to enter the System. You will be notified of your registration in the System by E-MAIL. ATTENTION: to secure your PIN and Password confidence, please indicate your E-MAIL address correctly.
- If you are the system User, enter the CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR using your PIN and Password.
3. From the list of events select the conference to the Organizing Committee of which you wish to submit your paper abstract:
The 19th Conference of Young Scientists “Navigation and Motion Control”.
Enter your Virtual Office, to create and submit your paper abstract.
4. On page Main you will see the list of actions you can do now.
Get acquainted with them.
5. Using the link «My papers» go to page «My papers»
6. Press button. «Create new abstract/paper».
7. Fill in the fields: «Text», «Keywords» and «Authors».
8. After completion of fields Text, Keywords and data of all the Authors save your abstract/paper by pressing button “Save as abstract/paper"
The paper number (N) will be assigned by the system to your abstract/paper, and it will appear in your List of abstracts/papers
9. Upload file of your abstract/paper.
ATTENTION! The contents of field «Text» of the abstract and the text of the uploaded file of the abstract should be the same!
10. Abstract submission deadline is 15 Febrary 2017.
Entrance to the CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR system
The young scientists participating in the Conference should be under 33 years of age.
Maximum one coauthor can be over 33.
Abstract submission deadline is 15 Febrary 2017.
Text of the paper abstract of 1000 printed characters should be prepared in English and submitted ONLINEto the Conference Organizing Committee via Conference Management System CoMS- Elektropribor at http://comsep.ru
The abstract should state the goal, principal points and conclusions of the study.
Avoid abbreviations unless commonly accepted ones (e.g. GPS, GLONASS, etc.).
The use of references, figures, and formulas is not recommended.
- typeset the text using a computer in Word for Windows in A4 format with Times New Roman font and11 pt size;
- After 5 mm indentation typeset the following:
- for each author:
AUTHOR’S FAMILY NAME PRECEDED BY INITIALS OF HIS/HER FIRST NAME(S) (IN CAPITAL LETTERS), - organization name, address, telephone number and E-mail (in Italics);
- paper title (in bold letters),
- then leave two line spaces and start the text of the abstract;
- for each author:
- the abstract text should be typed single spaced;
- indention should be leveled by width.
Roman letters should be typed in Italics, Greek letters – Roman type.
Below the paper abstract text please indicate the contact person’s details for communication with the Organizing Committee, if any questions arise:
Abstracts not complying with the above requirements or sent by e-mail will not be accepted by the Organizing Committee and will not be considered by the Program Committee!
and will be glad to welcome you at our conference!
30, Malaya Posadskya ul.,
St. Petersburg, 197046, Russia
e-mail: kmu@eprib.ru, kmu_elprib@mail.ru
Phone: (812) 499 82 10
Fax: (812) 232 33 76