Gyroscopy and Navigation

А.V. Bolshakova et al. Rail Defects Detection Algorithm Based on Continuous Wavelet Transform and Frequency Domain Analysis


The paper proposes an algorithm for detecting railway track defects by the inertial sensor data with account for passing the bolted joints. As mathematical techniques, continuous wavelet transform and frequency analysis are applied. The algorithm has been tested on an experimental data sample and shown to be efficient.

Keywords: inertial inspection method, accelerometer, bolted joint, welded joint, continuous wavelet transform, wavelet scalogram, frequency analysis.

About authors

А.V. Bolshakova, А.М. Boronakhin, D.М. Klionskiy, D.Yu. Larionov, L.N. Podgornaya, А.N. Tkachenko, and R.V. Shalymov

St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI, Russia

Bolshakova А.V., Boronakhin А.М., Klionskiy D.М., Larionov D.Yu., Podgornaya L.N., Tkachenko А.N., and Shalymov R.V. Rail Defects Detection Algorithm Based on Continuous Wavelet Transform and Frequency Domain Analysis / Gyroscopy and Navigation, 2024, Vol. 15, No.3, pp. 272-283.

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