Personnel policy

Career and Development
The objective of personnel development policy is to provide the enterprise with qualified staff, from blue-collar employees up to the researchers of top qualification. Its main principle is based on using the experience accumulated by the employees of all levels, and passing it over to creative young professionals employed by the Concern.
Кадровая политика


  1. Забота о здоровье
  2. Спортивная жизнь
  3. Санаторно-курортный отдых
  4. Профсоюзная организация
  5. Жилищная программа
  6. Материальная поддержка
  • We take care of our personnel! The enterprise has introduced the voluntary health insurance program for each employee.
    The Concern has its own Medical Center located in the enterprise territory. Physicians of the most popular disciplines work in 14 well-equipped rooms.
  • To maintain healthy lifestyle, the employees can go to the gym at the enterprise premises. We offer different sports and games: chess, football, volley-ball, lawn-tennis, table-tennis, pool, dancing. The employees can also go to swimming-pools in the neighborhood of the Concern, at benefit price.
  • Healthcare is an integral part of our company’s social policy.
    The specialists working in harmful production conditions can spend their vacation in sanatoria, vacation hotels and holiday camps. The employees’ children are provided with vouchers to children’s health camps.
  • The trade union organization of the Concern is a part of the Russian Trade Union of Shipbuilding Industry Workers. Every second employee of the concern is a member of the trade union organization. The organization’s priorities include the fulfillment of collective bargaining contract provisions, health and safety assurance, conducting cultural and sports events, legal and welfare assistance to the enterprise employees.
  • Eighty-three employees of the Concern have bought apartments for the money collected within the corporate housing program.
  • The enterprise has a sustainable policy of social guarantees and benefits, which include welfare support. We provide partial compensation of expensive medical treatment. A system of various payments has been developed.


Traditionally, we celebrate together the New Year, jubilees and other memorable dates of the enterprise; we also organize different team-building events.

Корпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизньКорпоративная жизнь

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