23rd Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems

The Organizing and International Program Committees of the 23d Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (23 ICINS 2016) invite specialists in the field of navigation and motion control to take part in the Conference.
The Conference will be held by the State Research Center of the Russian Federation – Concern Central Scientific and Research Institute Elektropribor, JSC on 30 May – 1 June 2016.
This annual Conference has become a traditional event for scientists and engineers from all over the world involved in navigation and motion control to share the results of their investigations and discuss prospects for the future.
- Inertial Sensors, Navigation and Orientation Systems
- MEMS Sensors and MEMS-based systems
- Global Navigation Satellite Systems
- Alternative Navigation Systems and Sensors
- Guidance and Control Systems and their Components
- Integrated Navigation and Motion Control Systems
Each topic covers the following aspects:
- design features
- methods and algorithms
- application specific features (aerospace, marine, surface, underground)
- testing and metrology
The Conference does not cover the issues related to military and technical cooperation, development of military technologies and weapons.
The Program Committee considers it expedient to include survey papers and papers by young scientists (under 33 years old) in the Conference Program.
The Conference languages are English and Russian.Simultaneous translation will be provided from English into Russian and from Russian into English.
The Conference program includes plenary and poster papers.Three invited papers and Panel Discussion are scheduled.
Proposals for the topics of Panel Discussion are accepted by the Program Committee.
Abstracts of 600 words (not characters!) in English complying with the guidelines for abstract preparation should be submitted online via the Conference Management System CoMS-Elektropribor http://comsep.ruAbstracts not complying with the above requirements or submitted after the deadline indicated in the IMPORTANT DATES section will not be considered by the Program Committee.
The accepted papers are published in the Conference Proceedings. The papers should be prepared according to the paper guidelines and submitted online via CoMS-Elektropribor system.
Abstracts and papers sent by e-mail will not be accepted.
Presentation of plenary papers (including discussion) should be 20 minutes long.The authors of poster papers at the plenary session are given 3 minutes to present the main idea of the paper with 1-2 slides, if any; further discussion will continue at the posters.
The Conference Proceedings (texts of invited, plenary and poster papers) will be available for the conferees at the registration.The Conference Proceedings will be indexed in Scopus, an international citation database.
Papers based on the presentations recommended by the Program Committee will be published in the journals Gyroscopy and Navigation (ISSN2075-1087 - print version, ISSN: 2075-1109 - Online version) in English, and Giroskopiya i Navigatsiya (ISSN0869-7035 - print version, ISSN2075-0927 - Online version) in Russian.
Chairman - |
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Prof. V. Peshekhonov - Russia |
Members: |
Mr. L Camberlein - France Dr. Yu. Litmanovich - Russia Dr. B. Rivkin - Russia Dr. G.Schmidt - USA Dr. B.Shebshaevich - Russia Dr. A. Sokolov - Russia Dr. O. Stepanov - Russia Prof. G. Trommer - Germany Dr. A. Trusov - USA |
Germany and neighbouring countries:
Prof. Dr.-lng. habil. Gert F. Trommer, FRINInstitute of Systems Optimization (ITE) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Kaiserstr. 12 Building 30.33
76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)721 608 4 2620
Fax: +49 (0)721 608 4 2623
E-mail: gert.trommer@kit.edu
France and neighbouring countries:
Mr. Loic Camberlein32, Avenue de la Bourdonnais
75007 Paris, France
Tel: +33 -1 - 4551 4759
E-mail: LCamberlein@aol.com
Dr. Alexander A. TrusovSenior Research Scientist
Advanced Instrument and Sensor Development
Northrop Grumman Corporation
21240 Burbank Blvd. W19
Woodland Hills, Calif. 91367-6675, USA
Tel: +1 (818) 715 2918
E-mail: alex.trusov@gmail.com
Dr. George T. Schmidt
10 Goffe Rd., Lexington, MA 02421, U.S.A.
Tel: +1-781-863 1637
E-mail: gtschmidt@alum.mit.edu
Chairman: |
V. Peshekhonov |
Members: |
M. Grishina B. Rivkin O. Stepanov |
15 September 2015 – guidelines for abstract preparation available on Conference website.01 November 2015 - deadline for abstract submission.
01 February 2016 - list of accepted papers and guidelines for preparation of papers to be published available on Conference website.
24 February 2016 - preliminary program available on Conference website.
15 March 2016 - deadline for submission of camera-ready papers included in the Conference Program for publication in the Proceedings.
01 February 2016 - 19 April 2016 - online registration of the Conference participants.
30 May - 1 June 2016 - Conference days.
The Conference fee is $450 if paid before 01 April 2016 and $500 if paid after 01 April 2016.For students and post-graduates the conference fee is reduced by 50%:
$225 and $250 respectively.
The fee includes all sessions, one copy of Conference Proceedings, airport transfer to and from the hotels, transfer from the recommended hotels to the Conference venue, sight-seeing guided tour of Saint Petersburg, daily lunches and coffee breaks during three Conference days, drink reception (on 31 May), transfer to the drink reception and from the drink reception to the recommended hotels.
The Conference is held during the season of the White Nights. Guided city tour will be arranged for the participants of the Conference.Upon request cultural program (sight-seeing tour, excursions to the museums and suburban palaces) for three Conference days can be organized for the accompanying persons at the extra charge.
State Research Center of the RFConcern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC
30, Malaya Posadskaya Ul., St. Petersburg,
197046, Russia
Tel: +7(812) 499 81 18
+7(812) 499 81 57
Fax: +7(812) 232 33 76
e-mail: ICINS@eprib.ru
Please visit the website regularly for the latest updates.
On 30 May – 1 June 2016 the 23rd Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (23 ICINS 2016) was held by the Scientific Research Center of Russia – Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC.
The Conference was held with support of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Motion Control and Navigation Problems, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the International Public Association – the Academy of Navigation and Motion Control, National Research University ITMO, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - the Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society (IEEE-AESS), USA; L’Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (AAAF), L’institut Français de Navigation (IFN), Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Ortung und Navigation (DGON) (German Institute of Navigation), and Journal Giroskopiya i Navigatsiya (in Russian, published by the Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, Russia).
The International Program Committee formed of the leading scientists from France, Germany, Russia, and USA, headed the Conference.Chairman of the International Program Committee - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir G. Peshekhonov
The Conference languages were English and Russian.
Provision was made for simultaneous interpretation from Russian into English and from English into Russian.
Specialists from the following 14 states took part in the Conference: Belarus, Burundi, China, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Republic of Korea, Russia, Switzerland, Syria, Ukraine, USA.
340 persons participated in the Conference; of them 53 specialists represented 22 foreign companies, and 287participants were delegated from 81 organizations of Russia from its 27 cities and towns.
7 young scientists were delegated to the Conference without payment of Conference fee by the Organizing Committee of the 18th Conference of Young Scientists Navigation and Motion Control (held mainly in Russian).
Conference presentations were distributed between the following 2 Sessions:
The Conference format comprised invited, plenary and poster papers, and a Panel Discussion.
At the Conference sessions 106 papers were presented: 20 plenary and 80 poster papers, as well presentations at the panel Discussion Integrated Navigation Systems in Case of Absence or Severe Degradation of Satellite Information in the frame of which 1 invited paper (G. Trommer, Germany) and 5speeches (1 – Finland, 4 – Russia) were heard.
Moderators of the Panel Discussion were Prof. G.F. Trommer (Institute of Systems Optimization, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) and Dr. Sci. Prof. O.A. Stepanov (Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, ITMO University, Russia).
The Panel Discussion started with Prof. Trommer’s invited paper titled Autonomous Intrusion and Indoor Reconnaissance in Buildings in which the author presented an overview over the research activities of the Institute of Systems Optimization, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) in the field of indoor and outdoor navigation in GNSS denied environment. Various aspects of the problem under consideration were covered by the rest 5 speakers in their speeches.
All the interested persons could join the Panel Discussion free of charge.
The Panel Discussion was of the great scientific importance due to its urgent subject and evoked the great interest of its attendees.
Before the beginning of the Panel Discussion Prof. Trommer (as a commission chair of the German Navigation Society ‘Inertial Sensors’) handed Certificate of Appreciation “For outstanding long-lasting support as a session chairman at the international conference ‘Inertial Sensors and Systems (ISS)’ held in Germany” to Prof. Lukyanov.
The authors of poster papers at the plenary session were given 3 min to present the main idea of the paper with 1-2 slides, if any; further discussion of papers was continued at the posters.
Participants eagerly exchanged their opinions in informal discussions at the posters and on the sidelines of the Conference.
Topics of the papers and discussions were scientific and technological achievements in such fields as Inertial Sensors, Navigation and Orientation Systems, MEMS Sensors and MEMS-Based Systems, Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Alternative Navigation including Pedestrian and Indoor Navigation Systems and Sensors, Guidance and Control Systems, and their Components, Integrated Navigation and Motion Control Systems. Each topic covered design features, methods and algorithms, application specific features (aerospace, marine, surface, underground), testing and metrology.
The topics under consideration were quite urgent and evoked the interest of the companies from Russia and many foreign countries.
According to participants’ estimates, the International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems was successful and affirmed its status of the largest scientific event in the field of gyroscopic and navigation technology.
The Conference has shown that Russian scientists conduct researches being in line with the most advanced global trends.
By the Conference beginning the Conference Proceedings containing full texts of plenary and poster papers were published as books in English and in Russian (the Russian volume comprised the papers only by the Russian-speaking authors) and in the form of CD-ROM comprising the Conference Proceedings (in two languages together).
During the Conference Ostec-Test company (Moscow) demonstrated a single-axis motion simulator. The simulator is intended for tests and calibration of inertial systems, sensors, gyros, SINS, MEMS. The test-bed evoked the great interest of the Conference participants.
On 30 May 2016 after the Conference session a boat trip along the rivers and channels of St. Petersburg was organized for the conferees and their accompanying persons with the visit to the Peter and Paul Fortress.
The tour participants enjoyed it very much and thanked the Organizing Committee for the interesting and informative tour.
On 31 May a drink reception was held in the restaurant ‘Zimniy Sad’ (‘Winter Garden’) at Leningradsky Youth House.
The information for potential participants concerning the conference topics, important dates, participation conditions, etc., will be available on the 24 ICINS 2017 website after 25 July 2016
Guidelines for paper abstract preparation and submission for abstract reviewing will be also available on the 24 ICINS 2017 website after 25 July 2016.
Since submission of paper abstracts and registration of the Conference participants will be carried out onlyONLINE via the Conference Management System CoMS-Elektropribor, the 24 ICINS 2017 Organizing Committee requests all the potential conferees (paper authors-speakers and attendees) to visit regularly the Conference website and keep up on the information placed on it.
Any questions regarding preparation and holding of the 24th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (24 ICINS 2017) should be addressed to:
State Research Center of Russia - Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC
30, Malaya Posadskaya St.,
Saint Petersburg, 197046,
The 24ICINS 2017 Organizing Committee
The Working Group on the Conference preparation and holding
E-mail: icins@eprib.ru,
Phones: +7 (812) 499-8118 – Translators of the Working Group on the Conference preparation and holding
+7 (812) 499-8157 – Margarita Grishina, Member of the Organizing Committee,
Leader of the Working Group on the 24 ICINS 2017 preparation and holding
E-mail: comsep2@eprib.ru - Nelly Psiurock, Administrator of the Conference website and CoMS-Elektropribor system.
Scientific Council of The Russian Academy of Sciences On The Problems of motion control and navigation Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) International Public Association - Academy of Navigation and Motion Control (ANMC) National Research University ITMO, Russia American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) – Aerospace and Electronic
Systems Society, (IEEE-AESS), USA L'Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (AAAF) L'Institut Français de Navigation (IFN) Deutsche Gesselschaft für Ortung und Navigation (DGON) (German Institute of Navigation) - Journal Gyroscopy and Navigation
The Conference fee per person:
$450 if paid before 1 April 2016,
$500 if paid after 1 April 2016
Students and post-graduates are offered a 50% discount:
$225 if paid before 1 April 2016;
$250 if paid after 1 April 2016.
We draw attention of the authors-speakers to the fact that their paper will be published in the Conference proceedings only if their Conference fee is paid by 1 April 2016. The Conference fee includes:
- participation in the conference
- one copy of the Conference Proceedings
- lunches and coffee breaks during 3 conference days
- transportation from/to the airport to/from the hotel
- daily transportation to the Conference venue from the recommended hotels
- sight-seeing guided bus tour of St. Petersburg
- drink reception, transportation to the drink reception and transportation from drink reception to the recommended hotels
Note that payment for:
- Business Visa Invitation formalities via the Administration of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation,
- Tourist Visa Invitation formalities via the Conference Service Agent
This should be done under invoice which will be prepared by the Conference Working Group at participant’s request.
The following details from participant’s side are required for Invoice preparation:
- SUPPLIER = organization which will pay participant’s Conference fee
- Name of supplier:
- Full address of supplier:
- Tel :
- Account No. of supplier:
- Bank of supplier:
- Full address of the bank of supplier:
- Participant’s name:
It should be mentioned in the request if the participant is a student or a postgraduate student since they are offered 50% discount of the Conference fee (only if corresponding student ID or valid document confirming this status is attached to the invoice request).
Note that commission and charges of our Bank and correspondent banks are paid by the conference participants.
2. by credit cards at the registration desk in St. Petersburg.
In this case the conferees pay $500 (students, post-graduates $250).
3. Cheques are not accepted for payment. CONTACT INFORMATION:
E-mail: icins@eprib.ru – the Conference Working Group.
The authors who submitted abstracts to the 23d St. Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems can see the decision of the International Program Committee on the conference website.
Plenary and Poster Paper Guidelines for preparing texts of papers for publication in the Conference Proceedings, Instruction on uploading paper files and information on conditions of services reservation will be available on the 23ICINS2016 website after 6 February 2016.
The International Program Committee and Organizing Committee of the 23rd Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems invite specialists in navigation and motion control to take part in the Conference to be held on 30 May – 1 June 2016 at the State Research Center of the Russian Federation - Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Registration of the Conference participants is carried out ONLINE via the Conference Management System CoMS-Elektropribor (http://comsep.ru).
The necessary information for potential participants of the Conference including participation conditions, conference topics, instruction for ONLINE registration and etc. can be found on the Conference web-site:
We look forward to welcoming you at the Conference!
Text of the paper abstract of 600 words should be prepared in English and submitted ONLINE to the Conference Organizing Committee via Conference Management System CoMS- Elektropribor at http://comsep.ru
Abstract submission deadline is 1 November 2015.
The abstract should state the goal, principal points and conclusions of the study.
Avoid abbreviations unless commonly accepted ones (e.g. GPS, GLONASS, etc.).
The use of references, figures, and formulas is not recommended.
When preparing the abstract please comply with the following requirements:
- typeset the text using a computer in Word for Windows in A4 format with Times New Roman font and11 pt size;
- After 5 mm indentation typeset the following:
- organization name, address, telephone number and E-mail (in Italics);
- paper title (in bold letters),
- thenleave two line spaces and start the text of the abstract;
- the abstract text should be typed single spaced;
- indention should be leveled by width.
For subscripts and superscripts, in case of their necessity, use size 9;
Roman letters should be typed in Italics, Greek letters – Roman type.
Below the paper abstract text please indicate the contact person’s details for communication with the Organizing Committee, if any questions arise:
- Form of address (Dr., Prof., Mr., Ms.), full name,
- telephone number and E-mail address.
Abstracts not complying with the above requirements or sent by e-mail will not be accepted by the Organizing Committee and will not be considered by the Program Committee!
Instruction on Paper Abstracts Submission
via the system «CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR»
1. Visit the site of the Conference Management System «CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR»: http://comsep.ru
2. If you submitted (!) your paper to the conferences held by Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC in the last years and are registered in the Conference Management System, to enter the system:
- use your PIN and Password.
- If you forgot your PIN or/and Password, retrieve it/them through the system using link “Forgot password?”
3. Register in the system if you did not register your paper/abstract for the conferences held by Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC in 2012-2015 and are NOT registered in the System: Using the link «New user» go to page «New User», Fill in the fields of the Registration Form offered to you, Get acquainted with the conditions of the End User License Agreement, Confirm, if so, that you have got acquainted with the End User License Agreement and accept its conditions, Press button «Register», to get your PIN to enter the System. You will be notified of your registration in the System by E-MAIL.
- to secure your PIN and Password confidence, please indicate your E-MAIL address correctly (the system e-mails all the messages to its users at the E-mail addresses indicated by them at registration).
4. From the list of events select the conference to the Organizing Committee of which you wish to submit your paper abstract:
23rd Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (23 ICINS2016)
5. Enter your Virtual Office, to create and submit your paper abstract.
6. On Main page you will see the list of actions available. Get acquainted with them.
7. Using the link «My papers» go to page «My papers»
8. Press button «Create new abstract/paper».
9. Fill in the fields: «Text», «Keywords» and «Authors».
10. After completion of fields Text, Keywords and data of all the Authors save your abstract/paper by pressing button “Save as abstract/paper”
The paper number (N) will be assigned by the system to your abstract/paper, and it will appear in your List of abstracts/papers
11. Press tab «FILES» and upload file of your paper abstract.
ATTENTION! The content of field «Text» of the abstract and the text of the uploaded file of the abstract should be the same!
12. Good luck!
- The Conference Proceedings (full texts of plenary and poster papers) will be published before the beginning of the Conference in English and in Russian.
- The Conference Proceedings in English will comprise the texts of all the papers included in the Conference program.
- Conference Proceedings will be indexed in Scopus, an international citation database.
1. The paper texts (in English) prepared according to the requirements below should be submitted to the Organizing Committee ONLINE via the Conference Management System CoMS-Elektropribor.
2. The total length of the plenary paper should be 8-10 pages in A4 format.
3. The deadline for paper file submission for publication is 15 March 2016.
ATTENTION: Files of the papers are NOT accepted via e-mail !
Instructions for preparing paper text
In order to unify texts of the papers in the Conference Proceedings, please follow the instructions below:
1. The paper title should be given in CAPITAL bold letters.
Leave 1.5 line spaces and indicate the following details for each author:
- Author’s name and initials
- Organization, city, country
- Degree and position should be given in footnote (at the bottom of the page)
- Phone number and postal address can be indicated at author’s will.
2. The paper should be preceded by 3-5 key words and a summary of about 1000 characters (not words!)typed in italics.
3. General guidelines for the paper text:
- typeset the text using a computer in Word for Windows;
- the format of the typeset page must be 160x240 mm;
- make 25 mm margins on the top, left and right;
- the paper text should be typed single spaced;
- use Times New Roman font, size 10 pt for the main body of the text; size 9 pt for the summary and references;
- for formulas use the Equation 3.0 Editor, font Times New Roman or Symbol, size 10; for subscripts and superscripts - size 8; Roman letters should be typed in italics, Greek letters - Roman type;
- ins ert illustrations, where necessary, using computer graphics in one of raster formats, preferably bmp with the colour depth of 1 bit;
- photographs should be presented in the raster format tif or jpg (do not use colour pictures as publication will have only gray-scale figures); all the components in the illustrations should be clear, inscriptions should be easily readable.
4. References should be formatted according to the following Recommendations.
- The Conference Proceedings in English will comprise the texts of all the papers included in the Conference program.
- Conference Proceedings will be indexed in Scopus, an international citation database.
1. The paper texts (in English) prepared according to the requirements below should be submitted to the Organizing Committee ONLINE via the Conference Management System CoMS-Elektropribor.
2. The total length of the poster paper should be 2-4 pages in A4 format.
3. The deadline for paper file submission for publication is 15 March 2016.
ATTENTION: Files of the papers are NOT accepted via e-mail !
Instructions for preparing paper text
In order to unify texts of the papers in the Conference Proceedings, please follow the instructions below:
1. The paper title should be given in CAPITAL bold letters.
Leave 1.5 line spaces and indicate the following details for each author:
- Author’s name and initials
- Organization, city, country
- Degree and position should be given in footnote (at the bottom of the page)
- Phone number and postal address can be indicated at author’s will.
2. The paper should be preceded by 3-5 key words and a summary of about 1000 characters (not words!)typed in italics.
3. General guidelines for the paper text:
- typeset the text using a computer in Word for Windows;
- the format of the typeset page must be 160x240 mm;
- make 25 mm margins on the top, left and right;
- the paper text should be typed single spaced;
- use Times New Roman font, size 10 pt for the main body of the text; size 9 pt for the summary and references;
- for formulas use the Equation 3.0 Editor, font Times New Roman or Symbol, size 10; for subscripts and superscripts - size 8; Roman letters should be typed in italics, Greek letters - Roman type;
- insert illustrations, where necessary, using computer graphics in one of raster formats, preferably bmp with the colour depth of 1 bit;
- photographs should be presented in the raster format tif or jpg (do not use colour pictures as publication will have only gray-scale figures); all the components in the illustrations should be clear, inscriptions should be easily readable.
4. References should be formatted according to the following Recommendations.
1. Author’s Name,
2. Title of Book, (2a) (Translation of Non-English Title),
3. Editor(s),
4. City,
5. Publisher,
6. year of publication,
7. edition [if not first].
Richards, M.A., Scheer, J.A., and Holm, W.A., Principles of Modern Radar: Basic Principles, SciTech Publishing, 2010, second edition.
Brockhaus, R., Alles, W., and Luckner, R., Flugregelung (Flight Control), Berlin, Springer Verlag, 2011.
1. Author’s Name,
2. Title of Paper in English,
3. Title of Journal,
4. year of publication,
5. volume number,
6. issue number,
7. page number(s).
Mohammed, A.H. and Schwarz, K.P., Adaptive Kalman Filtering for INS/GPS, Journal of Geodesy, 1999, vol. 73, pp. 193–203.
Korkishko, Yu.N, Fedorov, V.A., and Prilutskii, V.E., Precision Fiber Optic Gyroscope with Digital Linear Output, Giroskopiya i Navigatsiya, 2004, no. 1, pp. 69–82.
1. Author’s Name,
2. Title of Paper,
3. Name of Meeting or Conference, (3a) (Translation of Non-English Name),
4. City,
5. Publisher,
6. year,
7. page number(s).
Meyer, D. and Larsen, M., Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Gyro for Inertial Navigation, 20th St. Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems, St. Petersburg, CSRI Elektropribor, 2013, pp. 156–162.
1. Name of Patent Holder,
2. Number of Patent or Inventor’s Certificate,
3. year of patent or publication.
Leete, B.D., U.S. Patent 2,720,625, 1955.
1. Author’s Name,
2. Title of Thesis in English,
3. Master/PhD Thesis,
4. City,
5. Publisher,
6. year of publication,
7. page number(s).
Johnson, E.N., Limited Authority Adaptive Flight Control, PhD thesis, Georgia University of Technology, 2000.
1. Visit the site of the system CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR at http://comsep.ru
2. Enter the CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR using PIN and Password of the paper submitter (!).
Forgotten PIN and Password can be retrieved through the system using link “Forgot password?"
3. From the list of events sele ct the conference to which you submitted your paper abstract:
23rd Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (23 ICINS2016)
4. Enter your Virtual Office.
5. Using the link «My papers» go to page «My papers»
6. Press link «Edit/view/submit files».
7. Press button «Files».
Paper file → Upload file
8. Upload file of your Paper.
We look forward to your paper submission!
Entrance to the CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR system
In case of any problems or questions regarding CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR system and the 23 ICINS2016 website please contact Ms. Nelly Psiurock, the Administrator of the Conference website and the system CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR, by E-mail: comsep2@eprib.ru
The International Program Committee and Organizing Committee of the 23rd Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (23ICINS2016) invite specialists in navigation and motion control to take part in the Conference to be held on 30 May – 1 June 2016 at the State Research Center of the Russian Federation - Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Registration of the Conference participants is carried out ONLINE via the Conference Management System CoMS-Elektropribor (http://comsep.ru).
1. If you were not registered in the CoMS earlier, please register in the System:
2. If you are the System User, enter the CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR using your PIN and Password. Forgotten PIN and Password can be retrieved through the System using link “Forgot password?”
3. From the list of conferences select:
23rd Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems
4. Enter your Virtual Office.
5. Select tab “My participation”.
6. Register for the 23rd ICINS2016.
Dear participants of the 23ICINS2016!
Monomax Ltd. company - the official service-agent of the 23rd Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (23ICINS2016) to be held on 30 May – 1 June 2016, will render the conferees and their accompanying persons (by their request) the services on providing:
1. To enter the Russian Federation, all the Conference participants and all accompanying persons must get a Russian Visa (tourist visa).
Visa is required for all persons who have passports. The passport must be valid at least 6 months past the date of your departure from Russia.
Two types of visa can be issued:
Please find out beforehand what kind of visa you need and inform the Organizing Committee of it.
In case you need to execute a Business Visa, please urgently let the Conference Organizing Committee know.
Note that payment for the Business Visa Invitation formalities via the Administration of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, is not included in the Conference fee.
Please notify the Conference Organizing Committee about the receipt of your visa and specify its type (tourist or business visa) by
Regarding the services please use the following contact details:
Contact persons:
Ms Ekaterina Afanasieva
Tel.: +7 812 335-2055 ext. 120
Fax: +7 812 335-2039
E-mail: Ekaterina.Afanasieva@monomax.org
Mrs. Asya Gilmanova Tel: +7 812 335-2055 ext. 201
Fax: +7 812 335-2039
E-mail: Asya.Gilmanova@monomax.org
To order the services, please go to the website of the Conference service-agent:
Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC
30, Malaya Posadskaya St., St. Petersburg,
197046, Russia
E-mail: icins@eprib.ru
+7(812) 499 8118 - Translators of the Working Group on the Conference preparation and holding
+7(812) 499 8157 - Mrs. Margarita Grishina, Member of the Organizing Committee, Leader of the Working Group on the 21 ICINS 2014 preparation and holding
comsep2@eprib.ru - Mrs.Nelly Psiurock, Administrator of the CoMS-Elektropribor system and the Conference website