31st Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems

31st Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems

27-29 May 2024
Saint Petersburg, Russia
General information

The 31st Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems will be held by the State Research Center of the Russian Federation - Concern Central Scientific and Research Institute Elektropribor, JSC, on 27-29 May 2024.


  • Inertial sensors, navigation and orientation systems
  • Integrated navigation and motion control systems
  • Global navigation satellite systems
  • Gravimetric aids to navigation
  • Other topics can be added.

    Each topic covers the following aspects:

  • design features
  • methods and algorithms
  • application specific features (aerospace, marine, surface, underground)
  • testing and metrology
  • The Conference does not cover the issues related to military and technical cooperation, development of military technologies and weapons.

    The Conference program includes plenary and poster papers.
    Invited papers and Panel Discussion are scheduled.
    All presentations at the Conference will be held in English or Russian and will be simultaneously interpreted.

    Program and Organizing Committees


    Chair:           Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

                         Prof. V. Peshekhonov - Russia

    Members:     Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

                          Prof. W. Bao – China

                          Dr. I. Belokonov - Russia

                          Prof. Yu. Wu – China

                          Dr. A. Golovan - Russia

                          Dr. Yu. Litmanovich - Russia

                          Dr. D. Koshaev - Russia

                          Dr. B. Rivkin - Russia

                          Dr. A. Sokolov - Russia

                          Corr. Member of the RAS - O. Stepanov - Russia

                          Prof. G. Trommer – Germany

                          Dr. G. Schmidt - USA


    Chair:             O.Yashnikova – Russia

    Members:       D.Taranovskiy, Ph.D. - Russia

                           E. Istomina - Russia

                           Yu. Litvinenko, Ph.D. - Russia

                            T. Panich – Russia

                            Yating Zhang - China

                            Kaiyi Zhang - China


    Important dates

    30 January 2024 - deadline for abstract submission.

    7 March 2024 - list of accepted papers available on Conference website.

    30 March 2024 8 April 2024 - preliminary program available on Conference website.

    30 April 2024 - deadline for submission of papers included in the Conference Program and prepared as per IEEE Xplore guidelines.

    01 February 2024 - 30 April 2024 - ONLINE registration of the Conference participants.

    Conference topic


  • Inertial sensors, navigation and orientation systems
  • Integrated navigation and motion control systems
  • Global navigation satellite systems
  • Gravimetric aids to navigation
  • Other topics can be added.

    Each topic covers the following aspects:

  • design features
  • methods and algorithms
  • application specific features (aerospace, marine, surface, underground)
  • testing and metrology
  • The Conference does not cover the issues related to military and technical cooperation, development of military technologies and weapons.


    The Conference program includes plenary and poster papers.

    Invited papers and Panel Discussion are scheduled.


    All presentations at the Conference will be held in Russian or English and will be simultaneously translated.

    Conference fee

    The Conference fee is $450 (3300 CNY, 42,000 RUB) if paid before 15 May 2024 and $500 (3650 CNY/46,000 RUB) if paid after 15 May 2024.

    For students and post-graduates the Conference fee is reduced by 50%: $225/1650 CNY/21,000 RUB (before 15 May) and $250/1825 CNY/23,000 RUB (after 15 May).

    The fee includes the conference materials, airport transfer to and from a hotel, transfer from the recommended hotels to the Conference venue, sight-seeing guided tour of Saint Petersburg, daily lunches and coffee breaks during three Conference days, the banquet (on 28 May), transfer to the banquet and from the banquet to the recommended hotels.

    The deadline for the registration fee payment for authors is May 15, 2024.

    The Conference fee by bank transfer should be paid using an invoice.

    Please download the invoice form, fill in the required data of Supplier and e-mail the form to the Conference Working Group (at icins@eprib.ru).

    In response you will receive the fully completed document (comprising bank details of Recipient) signed by the Chairman of the Conference Program  Committee and bearing a company seal. 

    Once all the conditions and deadlines are met, the paper texts will be included in the Conference Proceedings and hosted in the IEEEXplore library, and also will be submitted for indexing in Scopus citation database .

    By paying the conference fee, the participant agrees with the conference conditions posted on the website.

    Abstract submission


    Text of the paper abstract of 600 words should be prepared in English and submitted ONLINE to the Conference Organizing Committee via Conference Management System CoMS-Elektropribor at http://comsep.ru

    Abstract submission deadline is 30 January 2024.

    The abstract should state the goal, principal points and conclusions of the study.

    Avoid abbreviations unless commonly accepted ones (e.g. GPS, GLONASS, etc.).

    The use of references, figures, and formulas is not recommended.

    When preparing the abstract please comply with the following requirements:

    Typeset the text using a computer in Word for Windows in A4 format with Times New Roman font and 12 pt size;

    After 5 mm indentation typeset the following for each author:


    organization name, address, telephone number and E-mail (in Italics); 

    paper title (in bold letters)

    Below the paper abstract text please indicate the contact person’s details for communication with the Organizing Committee, if any questions arise:

    •  Form of address (Dr., Prof., Mr., Ms.), full name,
    •  telephone number and E-mail address.

    Abstracts not complying with the above requirements or sent by e-mail will not be accepted by the Organizing Committee and will not be considered by the Program Committee!

    We look forward to your paper abstract submission

    and will be glad to welcome you at our conference!


    Decision of Conference Program Committee
    Paper submission

    Dear authors,

    Before sending the article, please make sure that the text is original: it does not contain copying, self-plagiarism and other plagiary elements. Note that the article will be rejected if more than 15% unethical borrowing is detected in the text.

    1. Full texts of plenary and poster papers (in English) will be published in IEEE Xplore.

    2. Full texts of plenary and poster papers (in English) will be indexed in Scopus, an international citation database.

    3. The paper texts (in English) prepared according to the requirements below should be submitted to the Organizing Committee ONLINE via the Conference Management System CoMS-Elektropribor.

    ATTENTION: Files of the papers are NOT accepted by e-mail!

    4. The total length of the plenary paper should be 8-10 pages in A4 format.

         The total length of the poster paper should be 2-4 pages in A4 format.

    5. In order to format your paper text in accordance with the IEEE Xplore guidelines, you should use a special style template ”Original styles’ template.doc”.

    It is filled with the text which gives an example of your paper formatting by build-in styles.

    6. The deadline for paper file submission for publication is 30 April 2024.

    Registration of conference participants
    The International Program Committee and Organizing Committee of the 31th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems (31ICINS) invite specialists in navigation and motion control to take part in the Conference to be held on 27 - 29 May 2024 at the State Research Center of the Russian Federation - Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, St. Petersburg, Russia.

    Registration of the Conference participants is carried out ONLINE via the Conference Management System CoMS-Elektropribor (http://comsep.ru)

    1. If you are the System User, enter the CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR using your PIN and Password. Forgotten PIN and Password can be retrieved through the System using link “Forgot password?

    2. If you were not registered in the CoMS earlier, please register in the System: 
    • Using the link «New user» go to page «New User»;
    • Fill in the fields of the Registration Form offered to you;
    • Get acquainted with the conditions of the End User License Agreement;
    • Confirm, if so, that you have got acquainted with the End User License Agreement and accept its conditions;
    • Press button «Register», to get your PIN to enter the System. You will be notified of your registration in the System by - MAIL. ATTENTION: to secure your PIN and Password confidence, please indicate your E-MAIL address correctly. 
    3. From the list of conferences select: 31th Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems.

    4. Enter your Virtual Office. 

    5. Select tab “My participation”. 

    6. Register for the 31th ICINS. 

    We look forward to welcoming you at the Conference! 

    REGISTRATION via the CoMS-Elektropribor (http://comsep.ru)

    Paper presentation

    The 31st  Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems will be held in a mixed format combining in-person and virtual participation of the audience and speakers. 

    In-person participation is preferred.

    Virtual participation will be organized with the use of the Russian Internet platform "MTC-Link".

    According to the Conference procedure, the time of plenary paper presentation is 20 minutes (including Q&A).

    The authors of poster papers are given three minutes to present the main idea of the paper with 1-2 slides, further discussion will continue at the posters. 

     For in-person participants:

     - authors of plenary papers should produce a computer presentation (slides);

     - authors of poster papers should produce a computer presentation (slides) and the poster.

    For online participants, we recommend that the speakers produce the video presentation (slides with audio comments) in addition to the computer presentation. This would help avoid unexpected situations such as communication failures, the speaker absence due to force majeure, etc.

    The video clip of the plenary paper should be 15 min long.

    The video clip of the poster paper should be 3 min long.

    Even with a video clip available, the speaker or his/her representative should be online during the session to be able to answer the questions. Otherwise, the paper is considered to be non-presented.

     - Computer Presentation (Slides) Preparation Guidelines

     - Poster Preparation Guidelines

     - Instruction on video presentation uploading


    Foreign participants, who are planning to take part in the conference in-person, should apply for a visa to enter Russia.

     To obtain a visa, we can prepare and send you the invitation letter from the ITMO University (the conference co-organizer).

    In order that we could prepare such letter, please send the following details to the Working Group at icins@eprib.ru:

    1.     Copy of your passport (PDF or JPEG)

    2.     Copy of your previous Russian visas (if you have one)

    3.     The following pre-filled questionnaire:

    o       Last name (as in passport):

    o       First name (as in passport):

    o       Middle name (if you have one, as in passport):

    o       Gender (male/female):

    o       Nationality:

    o       The city and country where the embassy of the Russian Federation is located where you will apply for your Russian visa:

    o       Date of arrival to the Russian Federation (dd.mm.yyyy):

    o       Date of departure from the Russian Federation (dd.mm.yyyy):

    o       Place of birth (country, city):

    o       Place of residence (country, city):

    o       Place of stay in St. Petersburg (address):

    o       Place of work/study

    §       Organization:

    §       Address:

    §       Position:

    §       Length of service:

    §       Your e-mail:

    4.     Address where we should send the original invitation.

    Conference guide for visa support.

    Contact information
    State Research Center of the RF 
    Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC
    30, Malaya Posadskaya Ul., St. Petersburg,
    197046, Russia 

    Tel: +7(812) 499 81 18
           +7(812) 499 82 67
    Fax: +7(812) 232 33 76
    e-mail: icins@eprib.ru
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