International Workshop Navigation and Motion Control (NMC 2019)
The international workshop Navigation and Motion Control (NMC) is organized by the State Research Center of the Russian Federation – Concern CSRI Elektropribor with the support of ITMO University. It will be held on September 16-20, 2019 at the Test Center of Elektropribor located at the shore of Ladoga Lake (Leningrad Oblast, Priozersky District, Cape Cheryomukhin).
The aim of the workshop is to provide an overview of new technologies in navigation and motion control. The program includes tutorials on modern navigation and control systems as well as hardware design problems, which will be delivered both by the leading Russian and foreign scientists and young scientists.
A cultural and entertainment program is also provided. The workshop language is English.
- Gyroscopic systems
- Applied problems of navigation and motion control
- Sensors for navigation and control systems
- MEMS sensors, systems, and technologies
- Data processing in navigation systems
- Integrated and satellite navigation systems
- Control theory and control systems
- Electronic and electromechanical devices of navigation and
control systems
You are kindly invited to take part in the NMC 2019!
O. A. Stepanov, Dr.Sc., Prof.
Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
S. G. Revnivykh, Cand. Sc.
Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems Corporation, JSC, Russia
N. Terekhov, Dr.Sc., Prof.
Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia
G. F. Trommer, Prof., PhD
Institute of Systems Optimization of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, ITMO University
Yu. V. Filatov, Dr.Sc., Prof.
St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI, Russia
M. S. Finkelshtein, Dr.Sc., Prof.
Department of Mathematical Statistics University of the Free State, Republic of South Africa
I. B. Furtat, Dr. Sc.
Institute of Control Sciences RAS, St. Petersburg , Russia
M. V. Basin, Prof., PhD.
Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Yu. A. Litvinenko, Cand. Sc.
Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, ITMO University, St. Petersburg ,Russia
1 August 2019 – Deadline for submission of paper title and authors to the Organizing Committee
16 August 2019 – Deadline for abstract submission
29 August 2019 – Notification of authors on including the paper in the workshop program
16 September 2019 – Deadline for full paper submission
16 - 20 September 2019 – The Workshop
- Gyroscopic systems
- Applied problems of navigation and motion control
- Sensors for navigation and control systems
- MEMS sensors, systems, and technologies
- Data processing in navigation systems
- Integrated and satellite navigation systems
- Control theory and control systems
- Electronic and electromechanical devices of navigation and
control systems
Participation in the workshop and accommodation at the Test Center is free of charge.
A fee is to be paid only for food and beverage (a full-day food and beverage fee is approximately 1500 rubles).
To participate in the workshop, send the paper title and authors to the Organizing Committee before August 1 and submit the abstract in English (~150-300 words) before August 16.
1. Text of the paper abstract should be prepared in English and submitted ONLINEto the Organizing Committee via Conference Management System CoMS-Elektropribor at http://comsep.ru
2. Visit the site of the system «CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR»: http://comsep.ru
3. From the list of events select:
“The international workshop Navigation and Motion Control (NMC2019)”
4. Enter your Virtual Office, to create and submit your paper abstract.
5. On page Main you will see the list of actions you can do now. Get acquainted with them.
6. Using the link «My papers» go to page «My papers»
7. Press button «Create new abstract/paper».
8. Fill in the fields: «Text», «Keywords» and «Authors».
9. After completion of fields Text, Keywords and data of all the Authors save your abstract/paper by pressing button “Save as abstract/paper”
The paper number (N) will be assigned by the system to your abstract/paper, and it will appear in your List of abstracts/papers
10. Upload the file of your abstract/paper.
ATTENTION! The content of field «Text» of the abstract and the text of the uploaded file of the abstract should be the same!
We look forward to your paper abstract submission!
Entrance to the site of CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR system
A hard copy of full paper text (5-7 pages) should be submitted by September 16, 2019. Abstracts and paper texts should include the authors' and the scientific supervisor’s last and first names, the organization name, e-mail address, and authors' phone numbers.
1. Visit the site of the system CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR at http://comsep.ru
2. Enter the CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR using PIN and Password of the paper submitter (!).
Forgotten PIN and Password can be retrieved through the system using link “Forgot password?"
3. From the list of events sele ct the conference to which you submitted your paper abstract:
the International Workshop Navigation and Motion Control (NMC-2019)
4. Enter your Virtual Office.
5. Using the link «My papers» go to page «My papers»
6. Press link «Edit/view/submit files».
7. Press button «Files».
Paper file → Upload file
8. Upload file of your Paper.
We look forward to your paper submission!
Entrance to the CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR system
Registration of all (!) participants NMC 2019 is performed online via the Conference Management System COMS-Elektropribor:
1. If you have already registered in the System (submitted the paper abstract for participation in at least one of the conferences held by CSRI Elektropribor, or attended the conference without paper presentation), then enter the System using your PIN and password.
· If you have forgotten your PIN and/or password, recover it/them using the hint «Forgot Password?»
· If you are not registered in the System, log in.
2. Select «The international workshop Navigation and Motion Control (NMC)» (21NMC2019) in the conference list.
3. Enter your virtual office.
4. Select tab «My participation».
5. Fill in the form and register to participate in NMC2019 conference.
6. Please be careful when filling in the registration form and don’t forget to save your entries!
We are looking forward to welcoming you among the participants of our conference!!