21st Conference of Young Scientists "Navigation and Motion Control"
The Program and Organizing Committees of the 21st Conference of Young Scientists Navigation and Motion Control (with international participants) invite young scientists, post-graduates, and students from Russia and other countries to take part in this event.
The Conference will be held at the State Research Center of the Russian Federation – Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, St. Petersburg, on 19-22 March 2019.
The Conference includes overview lectures on the theory and practice of modern navigation and motion control systems delivered by the leading scientists as well as presentations of conference participants.
Papers may be presented either in Russian, or in English.
Participation in the Conference is free of charge.
The maximum time of presentation is 20 minute (including Q&A).
One participant can submit not more than 2 papers.
The papers at the Conference can be presented by young scientists under 35 years old.
Co-authors of the papers can include only one participant over 35 years old.
Foreign participants can take part in the Conference ONLINE (web-conference).
Session №8 Navigation and Motion Control in School Projects assumes participation of school and lyceum students.
1. Detailed abstracts of presented papers will be published in the Conference proceedings book. The Proceedings will be indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index database.
The volume of detailed abstract is one or two pages (up to 6,000 symbols including spaces) besides the list of references.
2. Based on the results of detailed abstracts studying and the presentations of paper authors at the conference, the Program Committee will sel ect the papers and give recommendations on full text preparation. After peer review, full texts of the papers will be submitted for publication in journals included in the list of the State Commission for Academiс Degrees and Titles and providing the information support to the Conference (Gyroscopy and Navigation, Scientific and Technical Bulletin of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Mechatronics, Automation, Control, etc.).
For the full texts of papers, the teams of authors can include senior colleagues directly related to the publication (research supervisor, consultant etc.)
The full paper text should be about 7 pages in volume.
The full paper text can be submitted only after the appropriate recommendation is obtained fr om the Conference Program Committee.
3. Full texts of paper and detailed abstracts to be published in the Conference Proceedings should be prepared in accordance with the established requirements available on the Conference website.
The files with the detailed abstract and the full paper text should be submitted to the Organizing Committee of 21NMC2019 via CoMS-Elektropribor system (http://comsep.ru).
Detailed abstracts and full paper texts, not complying with the above requirements, will not be published
The authors of the best papers in each session will be awarded money bonuses and commemorative diplomas.
Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, has established three prizes named after outstanding scientists:
S.F. Farmakovskii, A.S. Anfinogenov, and L.P. Nesenyuk.
These prizes can be awarded to the authors whose papers win the first place diplomas.
MEMBERS:O.A. STEPANOV, Dr Eng. Sci., Professor, Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC; ITMO University, St. Petersburg
- E.I. VEREMEY, Dr Phys.-Math. Sci., Professor, St. Petersburg State University
- A.A. BOBTSOV, Dr Eng. Sci., Professor, ITMO University, St. Petersburg
- A.A. PYRKIN, Dr Eng. Sci., ITMO University, St. Petersburg
- I.B. FURTAT, Dr Eng. Sci., RAS Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, St. Petersburg
- A.M. BORONAKHIN, Dr Eng. Sci., St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University LETI
- A.S. KOVALEV, Cand. Eng. Sci., Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC
- A.S. KREMLEV, Cand. Eng. Sci., ITMO University, St. Petersburg
- A.V. LOPAREV, Cand. Eng. Sci., Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC; ITMO University, St. Petersburg; St. Petersburg State University of Airborne Instrument-Making (SPbGUAP)
- V.Ya. RASPOPOV, Dr Eng. Sci., Professor, Tula State University
- Yu.V. FILATOV, Dr Eng. Sci., Professor, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University LETI
- S.Yu. SHEVCHENKO, Cand. Eng. Sci., St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University LETI
- E.V. SHEVTSOVA, Cand. Eng. Sci., Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Yu.A. LITVINENKO, Cand. Eng. Sci., Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC; ITMO University, St. Petersburg
D.P. ELISEEV, Cand. Eng. Sci., Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC
A.V. MOTORIN, Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC; ITMO University, St. Petersburg
S.D. PESHEKHONOVA, Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, St. Petersburg
N.G. SKIDANOV, Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, St. Petersburg
A.Yu. SOKOLOV, Cand. Eng. Sci., Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, St. Petersburg
M.A. TUMANOVA, Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, St. Petersburg
O.M. YASHNIKOVA, Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC; ITMO University, St. Petersburg
N.K. GORA, Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, St. Petersburg
- International Public Association - Academy of Navigation and Motion Control (ANMC)
- Saint Petersburg National Research University ITMO
- Saint Petersburg State Electrotechnical University LETI
- Saint Petersburg Group of the Russian National Committee for Automatic Control
10 February 2019 – deadline for detailed abstract submission to the Organizing Committee.4 March 2019 – deadline for ONLINE registration.
5 March 2019 – deadline for notifications of authors whose abstracts are included in the Conference program.
19-22 March 2019 – Conference dates.
30 March 2019 – deadline for compiling the book of detailed abstracts of papers presented
1 April 2019 – deadline for notifications of authors whose abstracts are recommended by the Program Committee for preparing full paper texts.
2 May 2019 – deadline for submission of full texts of papers recommended by the Program Committee.
Session 1. Sensing elements of inertial navigation systems
Session 2. Control theory and systems
Session 3. Microelectronics and crystal-based systems in navigation instrument-making
Session 4. Navigation instruments production technologies
Session 5. Information processing in navigation systems
Session 6. Navigation and control in robotic systems
Session 7. Navigation and motion control in school projects
Session 8. Educational technologies
Session 9. Computer modeling and modern technologies in instrument-making industry
Session 10. Onboard computing systems
Session 11. Gyroscopic systems
Session 12. Application problems of navigation and motion control
Session 13. Data processing in hydroacoustics and radio detection and location
Session 14. Micromechanical sensors, systems and technologies
Session 15. Integrated and satellite navigation systems
The topics of the conference are not limited to the listed sessions. You can submit your proposals on other relevant topics for discussion.
The conference does not address any issues relating to military-technical cooperation, military technologies development, design of prototype weapons and military equipment.
To take part in the Conference with paper presentation, you should submit a detailed abstract, prepared in accordance with the requirements, to the Organizing Committee, using the Conference Management System CoMS-ELEKTROPRIBOR not later than 10 February 2019.
The volume of detailed abstract is one or two pages (up to 6,000 symbols including spaces) besides the list of references.
For participation in the 21st Conference of Young Scientists Navigation and Motion Control (21NMC2019) you need to register.
Registration of all (!) participants of 21NMC2019 conference is performed online via the Conference Management System COMS-Elektropribor:
1. If you have already registered in the System (submitted the paper abstract for participation in at least one of the conferences held by CSRI Elektropribor, or attended the conference without paper presentation), then enter the System using your PIN and password.
· If you have forgotten your PIN and/or password, recover it/them using the hint «Forgot Password?»
· If you are not registered in the System, log in.
2. Select «21st Conference of Young Scientists Navigation and Motion Control» (21NMC2019) in the conference list.
3. Enter your virtual office.
4. Select tab «My participation».
5. Fill in the form and register to participate in 21NMC2019 conference.
6. Please be careful when filling in the registration form and don’t forget to save your entries!
We are looking forward to welcoming you among the participants of our conference!!
State Research Center of the Russian Federation – Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC
30, Malaya Posadskaya str., St. Petersburg, 197046, Russia
Organizing Committee of 21NMC2019
Tel.: +7 (812) 499 82 10
E-mail: kmu@eprib.ru, kmu_elprib@mail.ru - conference working group