Visiting Meeting of Association of Shipbuilders
On June 21, a visiting meeting of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Region Association of Shipbuilders was held at the premises of Concern CSRI Elektropribor.
The visiting meeting was attended by heads and specialists of leading enterprises of the shipbuilding industry from two regions: M.V. Aleksandrov, Director General of CTSS, JSC; A.A. Dyachkov, Director General of Northern Design Bureau, JSC; V.V. Ivanov, Deputy Director General for HR, Concern Okeanpribor, JSC; A.A. Kopanev, Director General of APF Meridian, JSC; S.P. Maksimenko, Chairman of the Territorial Organization of Russian Shipbuilding, Ship Repair and Marine Engineering Trade Union in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region; Yu.F. Podoplekin, First Deputy Director General for Science, Concern Granit-Electron, JSC; A.V. Shlyakhtenko, Director General of Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau, JSC; and A.A. Turchak, Executive Director of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Association of Shipbuilders.
The meeting was chaired by V. L. Alexandrov, the President of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region Association of Shipbuilders. Presentations were made by V. G. Peshekhonov, Director General of Concern CSRI Elektropribor, JSC, and V. M. Levshakov, Director of NTF Sudotekhnologiya of CTSS, JSC.
V. G. Peshekhonov told about the experience of training the engineering and research personnel at our enterprise, about the work of three basic departments, professional retraining, personnel reserve training, and the work of post-graduate and doctorate departments.
The presentation of V. M. Levshakov was dedicated to advanced developments in the field of shipbuilding. He said that the developments performed by CTSS and other Russian companies make it possible to provide all types of shipbuilding production facilities with almost 100% of Russian equipment.
The members of the Association also considered publishing the book Eight Great Battles of 1941-1945, and discussed the prospects of organizing a thematic auditorium "Navigation" on the premises of Naval Polytechnic Institute.